  • Corporate

Standing up for quality

Every day, Mockel employees like Patrick Herzet dedicate themselves to ensuring the excellent quality of our precision parts, so that you can rely on our products at all times. Find out more about him and his work here.
“Imagine there is a rocket launch and just before lift-off, a chip or burr drops off and causes a short circuit in the electronics”, says Patrick Herzet. He is fully aware of his responsibility. And both we and our customers are thankful for this. Herzet has been part of the team at Mockel for almost 17 years. Ever since he started his career operating milling machines, he has been passionate about outstanding quality. It is therefore unsurprising that Herzet is now responsible for quality assurance on highly complex parts for the space industry. With his keen eye and reliable professionalism, he checks every workpiece under the microscope for burrs.


Monitoring the entire process

He does this not just once, but throughout the entire production process. “First of all comes the production release after a setting part has been checked”, explains Herzet. This is followed by continuous checks to ensure the dimensional accuracy of the precision parts. In order to achieve comparable results, all measurements are carried out in air-conditioned rooms. More inspections take place before and after any processing steps performed by external service providers. Last but not least, there is a final check before the parts are sent to the customer.


The customer is king

“The customer decides which specifications we have to meet, as it is they who know how critical the parts are.” Patrick Herzet is responsible for creating the corresponding inspection plans and sending the measurement protocols to the customer. Should there be any queries, this dedicated member of our team is ready to offer customers his expertise at any time.


The future at Mockel

Patrick Herzet only began working in quality assurance two years ago. Today, he is the deputy manager in this department and is currently participating in a series of seminars for young managerial staff. “We are lucky to have people like him in our team”, says CEO Annabelle Mockel. She knows how important customer satisfaction is to Patrick Herzet and is pleased to see him develop.

Do you have questions? Our team will be happy to help.
We look forward to hearing from you.


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